Concordville Fire & Protective Association

854 Concord Road
P.O. Box 70
Concordville, PA 19331
Non-emergency: 610-459-4749

What is an ambulance membership or ambulance subscription?

An ambulance membership is a fund drive program where community residents donate at least $55 to the Concordville Fire & Protective Association Ambulance.  In return members receive consideration for out-of-pocket expenses for our emergency ambulance services.  

What benefit does the resident receive?

The Concordville Fire Co. Ambulance division will accept insurance payments as payment in full for any emergency ambulance calls we provide to members and their households.   This saves the member co-pays, deductibles and unpaid balance amounts that insurance does not cover.  We can only waive charges originating from the Concordville Fire Co. Ambulance.

How much will that save me?

That depends on your insurance coverage.  Many residents who need ambulance service save hundreds of dollars.  An Advanced Life Support Ambulance Transport typically cost about $1,100 or more.

How does the Fire Company benefit?

The Concordville Fire Co. Ambulance Division uses this fund drive money to purchase ambulances, state of art medical equipment, and training.

Don’t my taxes pay for Fire and Ambulance Service?

The Concordville Fire & Protective Association, a primarily volunteer organization, provides Fire and Emergency Ambulance Service to our community saving residents from an enormous tax burden that fulltime career emergency services would cost.  We receive only modest donations from the townships we cover, and that money is primarily for fire protection.

I doubt I will need an ambulance anytime soon, why should I belong?

Well, most emergencies are just that, unexpected and unanticipated.  Your support of the Concordville Ambulance also provides funding so that state of the art Emergency Medical Care is there whenever you need it, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

I donate to the Fire Company; do I have to donate to the ambulance also?  

The Concordville Fire & Protective Association has two separate fund drives.  In the fall of each year, we solicit for the Fire Apparatus, building, and equipment.  In the spring, we solicit for the ambulance fund drive.  This money is completely separate and is used to provide the most up-to-date ambulances, EMS equipment, and training.    

The Concordville Fire & Protective Association is a 501(C) 3 Organization so all donations are fully tax deductible.

Please return your donation soon.

If you did not receive our Fund Drive solicitation, and would like to, please contact our business office at 610-459 –4749

CLICK HERE for more information.