Walkable Chadds Ford

Walkable Chadds Ford Project Map

The Walkable Chadds Ford Project aims to significantly enhance pedestrian mobility and bicycle safety along the U.S. Route 1 corridor, connecting Brandywine Battlefield State Park with the historic Village area. Both areas are recognized as National Register Historic Districts but have experienced a decline in visitors over the past decade. This initiative will introduce traffic calming measures and pedestrian improvements, allowing visitors to safely walk between the two Historic Districts and across the Village, which is divided by U.S. Route 1.

By creating a "destination" for both local residents and visitors, the project will offer a variety of recreational options, including walking, bicycling, shopping, dining, and visiting museums. The business and cultural communities are supportive of this initiative, as it is expected to foster economic development by increasing the viability of existing businesses and institutions while attracting appropriately scaled new businesses. Local residents have expressed a desire for the Village area to become an "eclectic, diverse" spot, offering unique goods and services not found in typical mall-type shopping centers.

With the ability to walk from the Municipal Campus along a scenic trail, enjoy local restaurants, browse shops, or visit museums, the Walkable Chadds Ford Project will transform the area into a unique gathering spot, attracting people from both Delaware County and Chester County.


  • Right-Of-Way Package Submission - Includes the submission of all easements to PennDOT for review: July 2024.
  • PS&E submission (happens after all other PennDOT reviews and approvals, including the ROW package which includes the Utility and Environmental clearances. This allows to obligate funding: July 2024.
  • Advertisement of construction contract: August 2024.
  • PennDOT estimated Letting (bid-closing): September 2024.
  • Preconstruction Meeting & Notice to Proceed (NTP) to awarded contractor: October - November 2024.
  • The TASA funding and the Scenic Byways funding are both operating on the same timeline and need to be obligated by August 2024 at the latest.
  • Construction: Quarter 1 of 2025.


WALKABLE CHADDS FORD GRANT FUNDING:                                 

  • 2017 TASA Grant & 2021 TASA Grant                                                                                                            $2,000,000.00                     
  • 2019 DCED Grant                                                                                                                                               $100,000.00
  • 2019 Delco Greenways Grant                                                                                                                          $100,000.00                       
  • 2021 DCNR Community Development, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance Grant                                     $500,000.00                        
  • 2021 Delco Greenways Grant                                                                                                                          $500,000.00                       
  • NATIONAL SCENIC BYWAYS TRAFFIC CALMING, PEDESTRIAN SAFETY                                               $400,000.00                        

TOTAL:                                                                                                                                                                                $3,600,000.00